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COVID-19 Policies 

Safety Precautions

At the current time, we feel as a studio (and in accordance with state mandates) that it is up to parents and families as to whether they choose to mask their child or not. We keep up to date on the most current state mandates, and or course will adjust as required. 


We ask that families keep students home if they are not feeling well to help keep our dance community healthy. If you or your dancer test positive, please notify the studio so that we may notify the classes and teachers affected. Thank you for your cooperation as we navigate through this pandemic. 

General Policies and Procedures 

REGISTRATION – Classes start in September the Tuesday after Labor day, and end with an annual recital in June. A $35.00 registration fee (only one fee per family) will be collected to reserve your child’s spot and for a yearly administration fee. 


TUITION – The default payment method is set to auto-pay and the card on file will be charged on the 1st of every month (unless the 1st is on a Sunday in which case it will be charged on the 2nd) for the tuition fees due. The studio must be contacted prior to the 1st of the month to change the payment method, if preferred. If payment is not received by the 10th of the month, tuition will be attempted through any credit card on file. If payment is unsuccessful, a $25 Late fee will be applied. Your student will not be allowed to attend class after the 15th of the month until your payment has been received. Student’s will not be allowed to participate in the annual dance recital or other events if there is any outstanding balance at the time of the performance.


PAYMENT METHODS – Parents can pay online by accessing the “Parent Portal” tab on the website and logging in to their portal. We accept credit card payments and e-checks/ACH through the portal. You may also choose to pay by check or cash by dropping it in the mailbox located inside the studio by the front door. If choosing to pay by cash or check, please be sure to include your name and what the payment is intended for. 


CANCELLATIONS – We are not responsible for any classes missed due to weather. If we need to cancel a class due to any other reason, we will offer a make-up if the schedule allows. Dancers may attend another class if you would like them to make up any classes missed. Please email us if you need a class suggestion.


RECITAL COSTUME FEE DUE DATE – All costumes must be paid in full by November 1st. If the balance is not paid, costumes will not be ordered. We order costumes very early in the year due to a slow production/delivery time. Most costumes are made to order and cannot be ordered late. We will not order partial classes due to costumes becoming unavailable when materials are out of stock. For this reason, anyone who has not paid for their costume on time will not be allowed to participate in the recital. To see updated costume fees, please visit out "Tuition and Fees" page. 


Recital costumes can only be refunded IF the costume has not yet been ordered. If you decide not to participate in the recital after costumes have been ordered, you are welcome to still come pick up the costume. 


COSTUME ORDERING – We will measure your dancer in October and size them for their recital costume. If a costume comes in and does not fit, we will do our best to exchange for a better size. If this is no longer an option, you are responsible for any alterations that need to be made to the costume. 


PICTURE DAY – Each year the studio holds a picture day in which your child may come in and get their picture taken in their  recital costumes. We do a class picture as well as two individual poses (this format is subject to change from year to year.) Cost is set by the photographer and information on cost will be released closer to the photography date. Picture day  is also a great opportunity for parents to practice how to style hair, apply make-up, and adjust costumes and head pieces.


CLASS PLACEMENT – Students are placed in classes based upon age, ability, and level. If we feel your child could benefit from moving into a different class we will contact you to make changes. Our well trained faculty are the best people to decide which level is appropriate for your child. Placing a child in a class far beyond their ability only hinders their progress and usually leads to the student becoming frustrated and dropping out. We ask you to please trust our staff to make the best decision for your child and their progress. 


TEAMS – Any student interested in joining our competition team may inquire about details at the front desk. We hold an informational meeting towards the end of each year for any students that are interested in joining our competitive or performance teams. 


ATTENDANCE – We encourage all dancers to be on time and attend all classes. A phone call or an email is appreciated if you will not be attending class. There will be no refunds if your child misses a class. If a child shows up more than 10-15 minutes late for class, they will be asked to sit and observe. This is to ensure the dancers safety as they have missed the warmup and risk injuring themselves by just jumping into class. 


ADDING A CLASS – You may add as many classes as you want before December 1st. Adding a class after this date will result in the student not participating in the recital with those specific class/classes.


WITHDRAWING FROM A CLASS – If your child wishes to withdraw from a class you will be charged for the class until we are notified by a parent of the withdrawal. You must withdraw from class/classes before December 1st. If the dancer withdraws after this date, you will be responsible for the cost of the costume and may have to let another dancer BORROW the costume to take your child’s place in the recital dance.  


PARENT/TEACHER MEETINGS – Please let us know if there are any issues with your dancer. We cannot address them if we do not know about them! Communication is a must! Please let the Office know if you would like to speak to a teacher. During class time (and between classes) we cannot speak with parents because we feel that it’s important to start classes on time but set up a time that is most convenient with you and we will schedule a meeting.


BRING A FRIEND TO DANCE WEEK – We invite our students to bring a friend to class for the entire week. No limit to the number of classes they bring a friend to, but we ask that you bring a friend that is close in age! 


PEEK WEEK – Our Peek Week is held every December. Parents are invited into the classroom to view their child’s progress. Most parents bring cameras, video cameras, friends, and family to watch. Children under 18 will not be allowed in the dance rooms during Peek Week because the students are often distracted easily. We also encourage our parents to participate in classes to really get a sense of how hard our dancers are working! 


ENTRANCES/EXITS – Please use the main entrance located in the front of the building. Do not use the handicap entrance unless you are handicapped.


LOST AND FOUND – The studio is not responsible for any lost or stolen property. We have placed a lost and found in the locker room and dancers are free to look through it at any time to retrieve lost items. 


FOOD AND DRINK – Dancers may bring a water bottle into class. Please do not give your child soda or anything fizzy. No food, candy, gum, coffee, or soda allowed in the dance rooms.


CELLPHONES – We do not allow cell phones in the classrooms. You are paying for you dancer(s) to learn. Checking messages can be a distraction during class. We will have bins to collect cell phones in each class to ensure that they are not on them during class. If you need your child to have their cell phone on for a particular day due to a family emergency, please have a parent talk to the instructor/studio director. Please tell your child to adhere to this policy as it is in their best interest.

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